Daily Reaction: Go Insane, Win Far Cry 3

Daily Reaction loves you, so here’s a gift – Far Cry 3… but Seb and Dan want you to work for it.

Seb: Damn right, can’t be handing out gifts just like our easy PS3 console giveaway. Instead we want you to tell us a story – you’re most insane true story. Email DailyReaction@PlayStationLifeStyle.net with a crazy story which we might include in another DR or on our Bad Gamers podcast and we’ll pick a winner that we found interesting/exciting/funny when the comp ends. Bonus points for pictures.

Dan: Exactly, why is it that before I was brought on we didn’t have all these super cool giveaways? Now it seems like we have something new all the time.

Seb: Because, after you joined, most of the staff quit so we have all their paychecks which we can spend on giveaways instead.

Dan: So if I quit, will I be eligible to enter these to win some of these? Currently all I seem to get is restraining orders from teddy bears, and a headache from listening to you.

Seb: You’ll get half the house in the divorce.

Dan: You can keep the kids, they look like the mailman anyway.

Boring legal stuff – must be 18 or over to enter, live in the US and don’t use real names if libelous. Include your address at the end of the post so we can mail you the game, but don’t worry, we won’t read that out. We take no liability for insane acts because our lawyers suck, so they must be past achievements. Competition ends Friday night. Following Seb and Dan on Twitter will in no way help your chances of winning, honest. Good luck to one of you, bad luck to everyone else.

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