PSLS Community Review (Site) – Please Insult Us

On today’s Bad Gamers podcast we trash a bunch of websites we think are damaging the industry, but it would be arrogant to say that PSLS is perfect – so we want to tell you what you don’t like.

This isn’t a review about technical issues like if the site is ‘too blue’ or it doesn’t run well on your Dreamcast’s PlanetWeb Web Browser, this is a review about the quality of the site as a news company – as journalists working to bring you ‘the PlayStation lifestyle’.

Over the past 3 or so years we’ve made a lot of changes. We went from something that was undeniably a blog, looked terrible and had 10 readers to one of the largest PlayStation-only sites that has what we hope is a tight editorial structure. New staff have come on, while others have gone, but the focus to improve has always been there. But PSLS is our baby, we can’t be objectively critical. We need you.

How would you like us to improve? What would you like us to be better at?

Traffic would suggest people on the internet like quick top 5 articles, or things with sensationalist headlines that aren’t 100% true. I refuse to believe it has to be that way – that there is an audience out there that wants something more, and we’re hoping you can help us be ‘something more’.

Would you like PSLS to focus more on obscure industry news? Would you like to see more editorials? Do you think Daily Reaction is a quality feature? Would you be interested in learning more about our news/editorial/reviewing/editing process? Do we mark corrections and errors clearly? Would you like less lists of questions?

Please answer these questions, or any others, in the comments below. Let us know what you think.

Comments will not be edited/removed no matter what you say about the site – although the usual no racism/homophobia/etc rules apply. If you feel like writing something longer, or want it read out on the podcast, alternatively email I can’t promise that we’ll act on every comment – we may disagree – but we’ll listen, and try to respond.

Hopefully this can be the start of something new, something better.

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