Medal of Honor: Warfighter Gets A Day One Patch, It’s A Biggie

Medal of Honor: Warfighter is out on the PS3 today and Danger Close has announced that there will be a Day 1 one patch available for download as soon as you boot the game up.

The reasoning behind such a quick patch is that they took community feedback from the multiplayer beta to make the final product that much better.

Also, if you’re wondering why you haven’t seen any reviews for Medal of Honor: Warfighter yet, here’s the official statement from Danger Close:

Because we wanted to be fair to our fans and replicate the day 1 consumer experience, members of the gaming press will also receive their review copies when the patch is ready on October 23rd.

That is to say, they purely did it so reviewers could have the patch… not because of fears that it might get low reviews. Apparently.

With that out of the way, prepare yourself for all of these notes:


  • Now able to add friends and join parties while in-game.
  • Can invite others to your platoon or apply to join a platoon while in-game.

Fixes, Balancing, And Tweaks

Multiplayer Gameplay

Incorporated feedback directly from the Multiplayer beta, including server stability enhancements, weapon improvements and other minor tweaks to the MP experience.

  • Removed initial delay to Spec Ops Signal Scan charging.
  • Snipers in Recon stance will no longer be visible to enemy RQ7/RQ11 UAVs.
  • Increased the accuracy of server-side aiming prediction.
  • Fixed an issue with “Fall Back” spawning to improve its behavior.
  • Fixed spawn type changing to Buddy Spawn automatically when it is not supposed to. Call in a Blackhawk for the losing team if they are getting dominated in Sector Control.

Single-Player Gameplay

Gameplay improvements including more tutorials, game stability, and overall gameplay enhancements to make your Single Player experience seamless.

  • Added tutorial text to first sniper encounter to help teach player about bullet drop.
  • Fixed an issue where the default difficulty was set to Easy instead of Normal.
  • Fixed an issue where controls would become unresponsive under certain conditions.
  • Fixed an issue with one of the in-game cinematics.
  • Improved single player stability and fixed progression stoppers.

Matchmaking, Parties and Platoons

Numerous enhancements and bug fixes, including:

  • Smoothed out the matchmaking flow between successful matchmaking and joining the player to the game.
  • Players can no longer join an invitation only party without being invited.
  • Fixed issues with joining single players together into Fireteams.
  • Fixed an issue where Veteran platoon members could not reach Elite status.
  • Sending a platoon invite when both players are in-game now works properly.


Tweaks and fixes to weapon mechanics and functions giving you the most realistic weapon look and feel.

  • Fixed “no scope” shooting. Players were getting immediate ADS accuracy without having to wait for the scope to come all the way up. Was very exploitable for snipers.
  • Sped up the bolt action on the CS5, since it was longer than the TAC300.
  • Reduced the damage/range of the Demolition’s SMGs (Scar PDW, HK 416c, Suchka), as they were overpowered.
  • Made switching between primary and secondary weapons much more responsive.
  • Fixed an issue where aiming was pushing the player away from the wall they were standing next to.

UI And User Experience


We’ve streamlined the User Interface, making it quicker and easier to navigate.

  • Simplified the way players navigate and select in the My Gun and Class Select menus.
  • Servers in the Server Browser are now sorted based on ping, giving priority to servers closest to the player.
  • Fixed an issue where changes in My Gun and My Soldier were not being retained when joining a game via the Quick Match or Matchmaking options in the MP Lobby.
  • Optimized the login flow into Multiplayer.

Visual Polish

Polished up in-game text and artwork for a better visual experience.

  • Fixed the Player Banners to display the correct rank icon and number.
  • Fixed placement of auto-save icon on CRT TVs.
  • Fixed animations in the post-match screens as they show the player’s progression.
  • Fixed some camera issues on level entry.
Misc Fixes
Additional fixes that fine-tune the overall MP experience.
  • Fixed a minor issue where the Battlelog social hub introduction was showing every time you opened the Battlelog social hub.
  • Fixed VOIP team channel bug to ensure channel is team-only.
  • Fixed an issue where Double XP was not being awarded to players who had both logged on to and who had played on a multiplayer server.
  • Fixed an issue where the Global Warfighter medal was not being awarded after players had completed a tour with each class.
  • Localization fixes, in both audio and text.

Additional Fixes

Multiplayer Gameplay
  • Improved the camera for the Apache.
  • Improved the aiming of the rockets in the Apache.
  • Fixed a couple of out of bounds issues in Sarajevo Stadium.

Visual Polish

  • Fixed an issue where support action icons were overlapping each other.
  • Kill messages should now better match timing within gameplay.
  • Improved readability of kill messages and visual fidelity of some of the flag images.
  • Smoothed transitions between screens in the Mulitplayer menus.
Misc Fixes
  • Removed Quit Game from the Top Navigation Bar in the in-game pause menu (now found under “Last Resort” in the Respawn Menu.
  • Various audio mix updates.
  • Improved the handling of memory cards and saved profiles.
  • Fixed an issue where, under certain circumstances, brand new players were forced to play with a placeholder weapon in multiplayer until their first death.


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