Namco Bandai Won’t be Making Any Major Changes to Localized Version of Tales of Xillia

Japanese role-playing purists will be pleased to know that Namco Bandai isn’t changing much in the localization of Tales of Xillia for the west.

Game producer Hideo Baba spoke with the PS Blog about the upcoming western version of their massively popular JRPG that launched in Japan last year, saying that they want to preserve the original experience by refraining from adding any additional content.

We consider the Japanese version of the game as a finished product and hope overseas fans can enjoy the game as it is. The same can be said for all the DLC content as well. There is no big change between the original Japanese version and the international version because we want to provide the same gameplay experience as much as possible between all regions.

Tales of Xillia is set to arrive in North America and Europe sometime next year, and while it’s been an undoubtedly long wait, the high praise it has gotten from the Japanese market is a clear indication that it will be well worth it.

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