A Single Play-Through of Borderlands 2 Will Take You Around 58 Hours

Don’t think you’re going to be blasting through Gearbox’s upcoming shooter in a single sitting, as reports from the studio indicate that it will likely take you somewhere in the ballpark of 60 hours to complete Borderlands 2.

Speaking to Gamerzines, Gearbox marketing vice president Steve Gibson discussed the insane amount of value that is packed into Borderlands 2, saying:

What we like to think about it is, Borderlands is a hobby. Some guide guys just did a playthrough of Borderlands 2 and they reported back to us that it takes 58 hours to play through the campaign – and that’s just one playthrough with one character.

We look at it as a hobby, and that isn’t even counting the new Badass Points system and how that’ll affect every character you do. We want it to feel like you get more for your money. We’re happy for people to pay their money once and feel that they get ongoing value.

Gamers looking for that meaty experience will certainly find it with Borderlands 2. Just don’t expect to have the time to play the other twenty high-profile games that will be launching during the holiday season.

Borderlands 2 is set to launch on September 18th.

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