CBS Films Acquires Right to Make Deus Ex: Human Revolution Movie

It looks like a Deus Ex film is on the horizon thanks to a recent acquisition by CBS Films. The company has signed on to produce a movie tied to the series’ most recent game, Human Revolution.

Terry Press, co-president at CBS Films has confirmed that they will be working closely with developer Eidos Montreal to create a movie that does the popular video game franchise justice. In an interview with Variety, Press explained:

As is clear from the wild success of the game, Square Enix and Eidos-Montreal know how to exceed their audience’s expectations by engineering incredible worlds. No one knows Human Revolution like the team that created it, and we look forward to working with them from day one to make a film adaptation worthy of the Deus Ex name.

Square Enix CEO Phil Rogers expressed his excitement in the film, saying, “We’re firm believers in building strong partnerships, and so we’re thrilled to be working with CBS Films on bringing the unique ‘Deus Ex’ experience to the bigscreen.”

Stay tuned to PlayStation LifeStyle for future updates on the Deus Ex film adaptation.

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