Rockstar Expanding Toronto Studio, Joining with Vancouver Branch

Grand Theft Auto developer Rockstar Games is combining its Vancouver and Toronto studios, and is moving the team to a larger facility in Oakville, Ontario. The Toronto division of Rockstar is the team that brought us Max Payne 3 earlier this year.

Rockstar Toronto is also responsible for bringing GTA IV to the PC as well as developing older titles like The Warriors. The Vancouver branch worked on both Bully and Bully: Scholarship Edition in addition to their contributions on Max Payne 3.

Jennifer Kolbe, the vice president of Rockstar’s publishing and operations spoke highly of the consolidation, saying that it “will make for a powerful creative force on future projects.” Ontario’s government has been a huge help in facilitating the process, and according to Brad Duguid, the province’s minister of economic development and innovation:

By providing financial support and tax incentives to help companies grow, we maximize Ontario’s competitiveness in the global economy and support job creation.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve got my fingers crossed for a Max Payne 4.


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