Pachter Comments on Activision Blizzard Sale: Company Spinoff Much More Likely

News broke last month that parent company Vivendi was looking to sell Activision Blizzard for a substantial sum of over $10 billion. According to industry analyst Michael Pachter, there’s a good chance they won’t be able to find a buyer.

In fact, Pachter went on to say that there’s a better chance of Activision Blizzard breaking off from the company, providing Vivendi with around $5 billion in cash for the spinoff. As a result, the analyst believes the publisher’s shares would rise, allowing them to recoup their losses.

Typically, acquisitions made by most of the major players stay below the billion dollar line, a statistic that Pachter is using to justify his claims. Likewise, a purchase by Microsoft or Sony would be unlikely, as this would directly affect their incredible performance on multiple platforms.

Do you agree with Pachter’s thinking? If you believe a company will buy Activision Blizzard, which will it be? Sound off in the comments below.



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