Introducing Our New Comments System: Disqus!

As part of PSLS’ major makeover, we’ve next-gen’d our comments system and added the renowned Disqus!

While we loved our old comments system, it did have a few issues where people couldn’t log on, or it bugged out a few times. With Disqus, all of this is a thing of the past!

If you log in with Disqus, you’ll be able to comment with the same account on 750,000 sites, so you also won’t need to remember a bunch of different log in details. If you don’t want to log in with Disqus, it also supports all the major social sites and accounts that you may use (and Yahoo).

If you’re an existing PSLS user, you will have to sign up to Disqus to comment – but if you sign up with the same details, it’ll sync accounts seamlessly. (To sign up, leave a comment below and choose “Register a new Disqus profile”).

You might have also noticed that the big article banner on the front page looks a little different – but that’s not all! It’s no longer flash based, which means it not only works a hell of a lot better on mobiles, but it’ll also be a lot kinder on your browser and computer load.

These two features are only a small part of our revamp, which you’ll see more of soon.

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