Ōkami HD Coming To PSN, Features PS Move Support

In a move that’s sure to cause many to scream out in joy, Capcom has announced that Ōkami will be coming to the PSN with HD visuals, trophy support and Move integration.

Coming out “this fall”, the game is a HD revamp of one of the most critically acclaimed games on the PS2 and will cost $19.99 in the US. But despite terrific reviews and a strong fan following, Ōkami sold poorly both in Japan and the West, and for years many thought that a sequel was out of the question. Last year, however, Capcom released Ōkamiden, an Ōkami sequel of sorts, on the Nintendo DS. Just as the DS’ touchscreen capabilities made sense for the series, it’s great to see that the PSN version will have Move support.

No other platforms for Ōkami HD were announced.

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