thatgamecompany Officially Going Multi-Platform, Raises $5.5 Million in Funding

There’s been talk of Jenova Chen and his team at thatgamecompany going multi-platform following their three-game partnership with Sony, and, now that they’ve managed to raise $5.5 million in funds, they’re officially taking the leap.

After releasing fl0w, Flower and Journey to much critical and commercial success, thatgamecompany has decided to spread its wings and expand its reach to other platforms. While this is undoubtedly a huge loss for the PlayStation platform, we’ve known this was coming for quite some time, and Sony has already managed to secure other indie developers like Giant Sparrow to fill the gaping hole Chen and his team are leaving.

Now that TGC has the funding to function as a completely independent studio, it will be interesting to see what kinds of new experiences the team will create. Those familiar with thatgamecompany’s prior work are well aware of the fact that they pride themselves on defying the notions of what kinds of experiences video games can offer, so they’ll definitely be a developer to keep an eye on in the coming years.


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