New THQ President Interested in Vigil Working on Something Other Than Darksiders

Jason Rubin, formerly of Naughty Dog and now the president of THQ, is clearly looking to mix things up now that he’s in charge of the struggling publisher. Just yesterday, Rubin shared his thoughts on the Saints Row franchise and how he believes Volition can do better, and now today he is saying something similar about Vigil.

Vigil Games, the development team behind the Darksiders franchise is set to release the series’ second installment  later this year, and from what we’ve seen thus far, it appears to be shaping up to be quite a compelling experience. While Rubin agrees, he believes that the studio is capable of so much more, telling The Verge, “Darksiders II is very interesting but I think I can get that team to make other very interesting games.”

Does this mean that we won’t see Darksiders III? If Rubin has any say in the matter – and as president of THQ, he obviously does – a third game sounds pretty unlikely. With higher aspirations for both Volition and Vigil, Rubin is clearly looking to change the face of THQ’s games lineup. Let us know how you feel about these impending changes in the comments below.

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