THQ President Confident Volition can do Better Than Saints Row: The Third

THQ’s new leading man, Jason Rubin is setting his sights high for the future of the company, making it clear that they’re going to have to do better than Saints Row: The Third if they want to be a successful publisher.

In an interview with Polygon, Rubin explained that while Volition’s latest installment in the Saints Row franchise actually did quite well, selling over 4 million units, there’s still so much untapped potential tucked away at the studio. “Why couldn’t that be a Red Dead Redemption or a Skyrim?” he said in regards to the game. “I look at that title and I say, ‘Who cares what it is and why it got to be what it is? From that team we can make something that isn’t embarrassing.”

Rubin then went on to address the game’s over-the-top subject matter, pointing out that it may not be the best direction for the promising development studio.

It works for South Park, but I’m not sure it does elsewhere. I don’t think (Volition) chose to do what they did because they had all of the options available to them. It was the environment at the time. I know I can change that.

It’s clear that Rubin is looking to mix things up as the new president of THQ. Let us know what you think about this new direction for the publisher in the comments below.

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