Agent Commented on by Jack Tretton, Dodges PS3 Exclusivity Question

Sony has commented on Rockstar Games’ mysterious stealth game Agent.

SCEA president Jack Tretton told Spike’s GTTV that people should ask Rockstar instead of Sony on the game. The response came to Geoff Keighley asking if the game’s still in development and if it remains a PlayStation 3 exclusive.

You couldn’t have said it better when you said Agent from Rockstar. I work for Sony Computer Entertainment. The minute I start working for Rockstar, I’ll have some definitive information for you on Agent, but I’d suggest you interview one of those guys. That’s what I’ve said for the last five years, and I’ll continue to do that.

It was predicted the game would potentially make an appearance at Sony’s E3 press conference in some capacity; the game was listed on well-known UK retailer, with the listing only going live today. But it wasn’t to be, unforunately.

When the game was revealed during Sony’s E3 presser back in 2009, a press release was sent out by Rockstar immediately after its debut. In it, it was confirmed that the title would be set during the Cold War and put players into a “world of counter-intelligence, espionage and political assassinations”.

Ben Feder, former president of Rockstar parent Take-Two Interactive, had said on Agent:

The game, like anything from Rockstar North, is going to be very, very cool. It’s going to push the edge, it’s going to be genre-defining and it’s going to be a whole new way of experiencing videogames that we haven’t really seen before.

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