Bungie Not Attending E3; Destiny Sealed

Details of Bungie’s contract with Activision was completely leaked recently (such as its DLC plans for the next 8 years, how it’s an Xbox 360/720 timed exclusive, etc.). Unfortunately, they won’t be showing the anything at E3 this year.

Upon being asked whether a presentation of their title will be shown at this year’s E3, Bungie stated they haven’t been working on one:

Nope. We never started one, and we’re not going to be at E3 in any official capacity this year. Some of us will be there, lurking from booth to booth, but don’t expect any announcements.

Leaked court documents stemming from the Jason West and Vince Zampella vs. Activision case shed light on the former Halo developer’s contract with the Call of Duty publisher. In the detailed contract, it was unveiled that the sci-fi shooter is entitled Destiny, which will release for the Xbox 360 as a timed exclusive in 2013:

So, yeah. While we’re not ready to show you what we’ve been working on, we can reconfirm that we are hard at work on our new universe. We can’t wait for you to see it. See you starside in 2013.

Zampella and West’s $1 billion court case against Activision commences on Tuesday.

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