Keighley Teases Huge Top Secret Game No One Will See Coming, PSM3 Claims Sony Has a “Big Surprise” at E3

With E3 fast approaching, it’s time for the usual teases and leaks as publishers around the world prepare to blow your socks off with reveals.

GTTV host Geoff Keighley has helped kick off the teasing festivities with the following tweet:

Today we filmed a huge top secret game reveal for our E3 coverage. Can’t wait to share it with you – no one will see this one coming.

Of course, Keighley has a rather unusual understanding of the word “secret”, having proclaimed that no one would see PlayStation All-Stars coming, despite rumors of the game dating back to last year. Keighley also doesn’t state which platform the game is for, so it could well be a multiplatform title or a Nintendo or Microsoft game.

Luckily, Sony fans will be in for something special, as UK mag PSM3 is teasing another (or the same) reveal, this time specifically saying that it is from Sony and that it will be a “big surprise”, although it won’t be the PS4. Perhaps it is one of these unannounced PS3 games?

Whatever the games turn out to be, we’ll be sure to let you know, as we’ll be at E3 in force and covering the show live.

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