Quantic Dream’s David Cage “Not That Interested in Technology or the Next Generation of Consoles”

Heavy Rain creator David Cage recently shared his thoughts on the future of gaming, stating that there really is no need for new technology.

Speaking to Develop, Cage made it clear that he is perfectly content to develop for the PlayStation 3 for the indefinite future, saying that he’s “not that interested in technology or the next generation of consoles.” According to the Quantic Dream head, the limitations that developers face are often not tied to dated tech, but rather a lack of creativity.

If we could continue with PlayStation 3 for another five years it would be fine with me. Are there technical things I can’t do on PS3? Honestly, no. The limitation is much more about the ideas we have.

When you look at the past, you realized that the technology evolved must faster than the concepts we rely on. As an industry we have pretty much have been building the same games for fifty years, despite the platforms changing.

Based on these comments, it sure sounds like Quantic Dream is pretty set on working with the PS3 for as long as they possibly can. If that disappoints you, then you probably haven’t seen the Kara demo that Cage debuted at GDC. The developer is working on a new title for the PS3 that makes use of the tech, so be sure to stay tuned to PSLS for more info on this mysterious title.

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