Sony Planning A New PlayStation Vita Heaven Broadcast, To Be Held In June

Sony has announced plans to hold another PlayStation Vita Heaven event.

Andrisang reports that SCEJ CEO Hiroshi Kawano had teased in Famitsu that Sony was planning to have another PlayStation Vita Heaven broadcast event in June. He did not offer any further details as to when the event would be occurring.

The previous (and first) PlayStation Vita Heaven event was in March. Although quite a few announcements were made, gamers were dissatisfied with the broadcast’s content — something that Kawano said would be taken into consideration for future Heaven events.

Sony currently has what already appears to be quite a full plate of announcements at E3 in June, with “more than 20 new gaming experiences” said to be present. With Vita and PS3 being Sony’s only two currently active platforms, some of those “experiences” are likely to be Vita titles.

What would you like to see announced at the next PlayStation Vita Heaven event? Let us know in the comments!

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