Square Enix Rakes in $75.9 Million in Profit for Fiscal 2012

It looks like Square has a lot to be thankful for, as Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Final Fantasy XIII-2 brought in boatloads of profit for the publisher, bringing their profit earnings for the year (ending in March 2012) to an impressive $75.9 million.

The company saw a whopping $1.6 billion in total income, marking a 2.1% increase when compared to last year. This is a major turnaround for Square, especially when examining their performance the year prior, in which they saw a disheartening loss of $150.86 million.

Yoichi Wada, the president Square Enix released a statement along with the results, which reads:

In the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012, we continued our efforts aimed at increasing profitability, including establishing best practices for the content in said growth areas, improving quality of our major online game, and strengthening our global structure.

We are accelerating the reformation to generate a substantial earnings improvement in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2013 and beyond.

Square definitely has a number of upcoming titles to be excited for, with Hitman: Absolution and the recently delayed Tomb Raider reboot currently in development. Now if only we could get Final Fantasy Versus XIII and Kingdom Hearts 3 sometime before the end of 2015…

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