It’s been rumored for quite some time, but now it looks like we may actually have some evidence pointing to where the next Killzone will go. If a leaked script is any indication, it looks like Sony’s prepping the game’s big debut for this year’s E3.
From what we can gather, it looks like the next game will take place after the events of Killzone 3, according to an allegedly leaked script for an E3 trailer apparently obtained by Siliconera:
My sons and my daughters, today we take the first step toward our imperial future.
For years, this once-great nation has stagnated in the shadow of its enemies. Governed by scoundrels who flaunted the ideals established by my father, these traitors… these enemies of our race have diluted and exploited the triad of Duty, Obedience, and Loyalty.
This regime, this corrupt regime, has been dissolved. In its place does rise an era of stability and strength. A time of opportunity born from a promise that we shall return our people to their proper sphere of dominance.
No word on exactly who will be narrating the trailer, though it’s believed to be a “woman who has ties to a Helghan Autarch.”
Strangely, the source was unable to say if the script is from the already-known Vita Killzone game, or from the heavily-rumored Killzone 4 for PS3.