In yet another deal spree that will hasten the fall of brick and mortar retailers, Amazon is now offering a preorder bonus on a bunch of the biggest multiplatform games of the year.
First off is Rockstar’s Max Payne 3, where preordering gets you $10 of Amazon credit and a special multiplayer bonus called the “Deadly Force Burst”, which gives you more powerful bullets. Next is third person shooter Ghost Recon: Future Solider, where preordering not only gets you another $10’s credit, but a code to access the Amazon-exclusive Drilling Ship Co-Op Map, where “you play in harsh Arctic conditions on a massive drilling ship”. Nabbing Spec Ops: The Line gets the $10 credit along with as a free upgrade to the Premium Edition, which includes the FUBAR Pack which is a bunch of DLC bonuses .
Getting all DiRTy with DiRT Showdown will once again net you $10 of Amazon credit, as will picking up the Metal Gear Solid Collection for PlayStation Vita. Preordering Borderlands 2 for any platform gets you $10 credit, and access to ‘The Borderlands 2 Premiere Club‘, which includes a Golden Key, Vault Hunter’s Relic, Gearbox Gunpack, and new Mechromancer class.
What are your thoughts on DLC only available to preorderers? Is it a legitimate promotional move, or just an unfair and unsavory practice? Let us know in the comments below.