Beyond Good & Evil Confirmed to be in the Works for Next-Gen

Those of you – like me – who have been holding out hope that a sequel to Beyond Good & Evil would eventually see the light of day have much to rejoice about, as Rayman creator Michel Ancel has confirmed that the game is in the works as we speak.

However, if you were hoping to play it within the next year or two, you’re going to have to manage your excitement, as the followup is being developed for next-generation hardware. In an interview with the Toulouse Game Show (via Neogaf), Ancel shared a few details about the current state of the game.

We are in an active creation stage and at this moment we are only focusing on the game and making it the best game that we can.

We focus on the game. We create it first, then we’ll see what can run it. We don’t say 2013 because we don’t know when it will come. We’re working to create a great game and it needs more tech.

Ancel also went on to comment on the leaked footage that teased the game’s parkour-style environment traversal a few years ago, pointing out that they “had this concept even before Mirror’s Edge launched.” And that they plan to go for something more akin to Assassin’s Creed or Prince of Persia in terms of third-person gameplay.

We use a very dynamic camera that shakes a lot during the action to add life to the camera giving the impression of an action news cover team following Jade. Maybe that could be similar to Mirror’s Edge but the game itself is very different.

Share your excitement for the upcoming sequel in the comments below.

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