Evidence for Rayman Origins Sequel Continues to Mount, Ubisoft Registers ‘Rayman Legends’ Domain

Last year’s beloved 2D side-scrolling platformer Rayman Origins may be getting a sequel in the form of ‘Rayman Legends‘ if a recent domain registration from Ubisoft is any indication.

According to a report from Fusible, the publisher has registered domains for both RaymanLegends.com and Rayman-Legends.com. This news, in conjunction with a marketing survey that recently hinted at the possibility of a sequel to Rayman Origins, leads one to believe that we may be hearing about a followup to last year’s artsy hit in the near future.

It is also worth noting that back before E3 last year, ‘Rayman Legends’ was rumored to be a Wii U developed title back when the console was first dubbed Project Café, so there’s a chance that this may still be the case.

If for whatever reason you don’t understand why there is so much excitement behind the possibility of a sequel to last year’s title, be sure to read our review of the game and then go play it.

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