Heavenly Sword 2 Originally in the Works Back in 2008, Since Cancelled

Remember that gorgeous Ninja Theory developed action game starring that girl with mesmerizingly bright red hair? According to an ex-employee’s CV, it looks like a rumored sequel to the game had been in the works a few years ago following the original’s release, but has since been canned.

Heavenly Sword launched back in 2007, serving as one of the few must-have exclusives at the time for the PlayStation 3. Work began on the sequel the following year, but for some unfortunate reason it was never brought to completion.

This information comes from animator Martin Binfield’s CV, which also indicates prior work on The Getaway 3 and several other projects that never came to fruition. To see more of what he worked on, check out his art showreel below.

I don’t know about you, but knowing that Ninja Theory went on to make Enslaved makes the whole cancellation of Heavenly Sword 2 much easier to swallow. Would you still like to see a sequel? Let us know in the comments below.


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