Kingdoms of Amalur Sales Surpass 410,000 Units in US

In its first two months at retail, 38 Studios’ Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning has surpassed 410,000 units sold in the United States.

This news was first confirmed by Rhode Island news station after having received the official data provided by NPD. Considering the fact that the game is a brand-new IP and comes from an untested studio, these numbers are quite impressive. The game reportedly sold 80,000 copies in the last month.

38 Studios is located in Providence, RI and was started up by former Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling. This is the team’s first major retail release, which has apparently not only done well in the eyes of game critics (see our review here) but also amongst the general gaming public as well.

It is important to note that these numbers only include sales within the US, so the statistics are bound to be quite a bit higher when adding up sales worldwide.


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