Starlight Inception Kickstarter Passes $30,000, WoW: Cataclysm Composer To Score

Escape Hatch Entertainment has announced that they’ve passed an important milestone in their Kickstarter campaign for Starlight Inception, in addition to announcing that a composer with a major notable recent work will be composing the game’s score.

This past weekend, Escape Hatch Entertainment passed $30,000 in pledged donations to their Kickstarter for the game, which is 1/5th of their targeted goal of $150,000. The studio plans to listen to fans by improving the game’s art direction and speaking to a number of concept artists. They’ve also released two brand-new pieces of artwork and a new re-rendered teaser trailer with new models, all of which can be seen at the bottom of this post.

Escape Hatch President Garry Gaber gave the following comment about fan feedback:

We place their needs very highly, and we bend over backwards to answer questions promptly and to thank each and every supporter. We also give a thoughtful ear to the detractors, listening carefully to the reasons why they have chosen not to support our game, and then taking action to correct those things.

Escape Hatch has also announced that David Arkenstone, one of the composers for World of Warcraft and WoW: Cataclysm, would be working on the score for Starlight Inception.

David Arkenstone said:

I’m very excited to be part of the Starlight Inception team. The design looks awesome, and I’m looking forward to crafting some unique and powerful music for the soundtrack.

To view the pre-rendered teaser trailer for the game, click on the video below:

To view the new artwork for the game, click on the Media Gallery below:

If its Kickstarter is fulfilled, Starlight Inception, will be scheduled to release on PlayStation Vita and PC in 2013. For more on the game, be sure to read our in-depth interview and exclusive guest post from Gary Gaber.

What do you think about the new artwork and trailer released today? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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