Media Molecule Updates LittleBigPlanet 2, Improves Community Features

LBP developer Media Molecule is releasing an update later this week that seeks to improve the community of LittleBigPlanet 2 by implementing a number of changes to the feature set.

No longer will gamers be able to “Boo” another’s level, as this doesn’t provide much help for those who are looking to improve their skills as a creator and has quickly become a way for online jerks to grief others. Additionally, players will be able to turn off reviews if they find themselves inundated with negative comments that do little to enhance the experience.

On top of that, the “Dive-In” feature has been reworked to be more intuitive and user-friendly for players looking to jump in and play with others online. For all of the details on these changes and more coming to LittleBigPlanet 2, be sure to check out the entire detailed list on the PlayStation Blog.

All you LBP loyalists, are there other changes you’d like to see Media Molecule bring to the experience? Let your voice be heard in the comments below.

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