Grasshopper Remains Confident Retail Games Won’t “Die Out”, Exploring Steam

Akira Yamaoka, the CCO of offbeat developer Grasshopper Manufacture recently shared his thoughts on retail games and the growing popularity of the digital market, pointing out that he doesn’t think that disc-based games will be fading from existence anytime soon.

Interestingly enough, he then went on to express his interest in Valve’s Steam platform, despite his prior comments on the bright future of retail. While yes, there is undoubtedly a huge market for retail games right now, the level of easy and sheer efficiency in going digital is an extremely tempting prospect to developers, especially ones that cater to a niche market like Grasshopper.

In an interview with Siliconera, Yamaoka explained:

I don’t think that packaged games will die out, but Steam has a lot of potential since it works with different hardware.

As for PlayStation owners who are still waiting for Sine Mora to come to PSN after having already launched on XBLA, he teased that more news will be coming soon on the matter.

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