BioWare: We “Have Ruled Nothing Out… Have Not Made a Decision Regarding Requests to Change the Ending”

In order to quell the angry outcries of upset fans late last week, BioWare assured gamers that they were listening to all of the feedback they have received regarding Mass Effect 3’s ending. Last night, a response went live on the BioWare forums that suggested that the studio wouldn’t be making any changes. Now, they’ve issued another statement to clarify this response, saying that they “have ruled nothing out.”

The ongoing hatred for the ending of BioWare’s action RPG has reached new levels of crazy, from FTC complaints to thousands of dollars being raised for charity in the name of having the ending changed.

In addressing last night’s post that told fans there would be no alterations to the ending,  Bioware Community Manager Jessica Merizan tweeted: “Someone misspoke on our Mass Effect channel”. Unfortunately, the outrage had already reached new heights, so BioWare also released a statement on Facebook, which says:

We are aware that there are concerns about a recent post from this account regarding the ending of the game. In this post it was stated that at this time we do not have plans to change the ending.

We would like to clarify that we are actively and seriously taking all player feedback into consideration and have ruled nothing out. At this time we are still collecting and considering your feedback and have not made a decision regarding requests to change the ending.

Your feedback and opinions are of the utmost importance to us. We apologize for any confusion this has caused. Our top priority regarding this discussion is to keep communication with you, our loyal fans, open and productive.

Will BioWare give in to the pressure from fans? When will this craziness end? Let us know what you think about the Mass Effect 3 debacle in the comments below.

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