Reasoning Behind Battlefield 3 DLC Delay Explained by DICE, Quality Over Speed

Developer DICE is promising gamers that the wait for more Battlefield 3 downloadable content will be well worth the patience, as the team is currently working hard to make sure that the upcoming Close Quarters pack will be chock-full of quality content.

Aside from the Back to Karkand map pack that launched close behind the release of the actual game back in October, there hasn’t been any additional content for gamers to sink their teeth into. Alan Kertz from DICE addressed this concern in a post on Reddit, which states:

The big reason that ‘[DLC is] taking so long’ is that we pushed hard on BF3, and lots of developers pushed vacations, parental leave and other things for a while to ship a product they could be proud about.

After that was done, it takes a while to get people back into the office and up to speed.

Better from our perspective to wait a bit on the DLC and deliver quality content with plans to deliver different types of content for different types of players over the lifetime of BF3, rather than hurry one map out.

Considering the loyal community of online gamers backing this franchise, there’s no doubt that there will be plenty of consumers ready to jump on the Close Quarters DLC when it launches in June.


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