PSLS Exclusive Mutant Blobs Attack Wallpapers For PCs, Phones and Tablets

Admit it, you were excited by the happy keyboard cat we partially showed you yesterday. But what about the full cat picture, alcoholic blobs or meme-tastic paintings? Read on!

We’ve got a whole bunch of sexy Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack wallpapers for your viewing pleasure, available below exclusively on PlayStation LifeStyle!

First off, here’s a shedload of hi-res PC/Mac wallpapers of different sizes to fit any screen. Simply click on the image to see it in full size, and right click to download:

Ok, so now your computer is all prettied up, how about that lovely phone of yours? There’s no need to fear, we’ve got you covered:

And finally, be sure to make your iPad look extra special:

Fun fact, if you’re attacked by a mutant blob and hold up your phone or iPad with one of the above wallpapers, it won’t eat you.*

Mutant Blobs Attack is out on the US PSN on February 21st for $7.99 and in Europe a day later, exclusively on the PlayStation Vita. To find out more about the games’ predecessor, be sure to enter our Tales From Space: About a Blob giveaway.

*Not true.

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