Rumor: From Dust, Outland and BG&E HD to be Bundled in Ubisoft Triple Pack

If a recent product listing is to be believed, it looks like Ubisoft is bundling three of their most popular digital titles onto one handy retail disc. The bundle, dubbed the Ubisoft Triple Pack is said to include the high-definition port of Beyond Good & Evil, From Dust and Outland.

The triple pack was spotted on game retail site, and is listed at the price of £14.99 (RRP £19.99). If for whatever reason you haven’t yet picked up these three fantastic titles off of the PlayStation Network, this is an excellent way to experience some of Ubisoft’s finest bite-sized experiences this generation.

It is important to note that Ubisoft has yet to confirm the existence of this bundle, so we can’t say with 100% certainty that this listing is legit, though it does sound like a pretty logical move on the part of the publisher. is a UK retailer, so even if the game is real, it’s unknown whether it’ll release in the US.

The listing indicates a March 23rd release date, so hold tight and check back at PlayStation LifeStyle for more information on the upcoming bundle.


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