Publisher May Delay Amy Over Price Discrepancy

Next week French publisher Lexis Numerique is set to release the intriguing survival horror title Amy on the Playstation Network. The game’s announced pricing structure was less than traditional, as many in the media were quick to point out. The game will cost approximately $3 USD more on the PlayStation Network than it does on Microsoft’s Xbox Live, and the inconsistency could be cause for delay.

Lexis Numerique’s CEO Joe Sanchis cited the odd nature of currency exchange between European Currencies and Microsoft Points as the reason for the pricing decision. In Numerique’s native Europe 800 Microsoft points equals out to $12.73 American whereas in the United States and Canada 800 Points is the equivalent to $10 USD. This means that the major price discrepancy is a uniquely North American issue and probably wasn’t taken into account when they announced the game’s price.

Rather than forcing PlayStation 3 users to work over an additional $3 due to currency rates, Numerique has set up a poll on their facebook page. The poll gives voters two options, accepting the price difference between the two consoles and keeping the $12.99 price point on PSN or delaying the release of Amy on the PlayStation network, affording the publisher time to equalize the price.

I’m in favor of a one week delay if it means paying less. What do you think?

Amy looks to be an intriguing little game that promises over 10 hours of gameplay. If you don’t know much about it check out their website or watch the trailer below.




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