You have to feel sorry for THQ and the Saints Row team, who were finally gearing up to release The Third, content in the knowledge that it has been years since GTA IV released, and that there hasn’t been any news on GTA V. But just as THQ got their marketing campaign geared up to take on Battlefield 3 and Modern Warfare 3, Rockstar decided to spoil the party. Now, it looks like the publisher doesn’t want to go down without a fight, and has begun an anti-GTA ad campaign.
When searching for terms like GTA V or Grand Theft Auto V, you might see the following Google ad:The “Forget Grand Theft Auto” ad links directly to the mildly-NSFW Saints Row website, and urges gamers to favor their open world third person action sandbox game over Rockstar’s, presumably higher budget, open world third person action sandbox game.
But is it enough? With Saints Row releasing on November 15th in the US and 18th in Europe, can you forget this?: