Mirror’s Edge Sequel to Sport Stunning Visuals, Utilize Frostbite 2 Engine

Mirror’s Edge was quite an innovative title when it launched back in 2009. From its unique, uber-clean visual style to its first-person parkour gameplay, EA’s development team crafted an experience like none other. And now that DICE has had some time to get their hands dirty with the Frostbite 2 Engine through their work on Battlefield 3, it looks like they’ll be using the same technology when developing Faith’s next adventure.

As if the original Mirror’s Edge wasn’t pretty enough, a rumor stemming from the Official PlayStation Magazine is claiming that the game’s long awaited sequel will take advantage of DICE’s Frostbite 2 Engine, which is regarded by many as the industry’s most visually impressive engine to date.

According to the article:

The Frostbite 2 engine will pave the way for Mirror’s Edge to make a free-running return.

Up until now, EA has led gamers to believe that the Mirror’s Edge franchise was in cloudy territory with a forthcoming sequel uncertain. If this rumor turns out to hold true, fans of the franchise have much more than just confirmation of a sequel to be excited about.


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