SSX Dev Diary Clears the Air

A lot of fans have been worried about the upcoming franchise reboot, SSX: Deadly Descents. The apparently serious tone may not be the direction fans have been looking for, but a new developer diary helps to clarify what we can expect.

So far, most of the media released for the new snowboarding title has shown a darker, grittier side of SSX, and as a result has a mixed reception. Previous entries are known for their rambunctious colorful characters, performing ridiculous tricks in completely unrealistic and fun ways. A new developer diary assures us that we’ll still have awesome tricks and great racing, and introduces the new central mechanic in the game, survival.

It’s great to hear directly from the team that we will not be seeing a simulation style game, and that they’re trying to stay true to what has made the franchise great in the past. Change can always be scary, but it also keeps a good franchise from going stale. The innovative survival feature should inject some fresh blood into the mix, and hopefully we’ll find out more soon since more developer diaries are on the way. SSX: Deadly Descents is still a long way off, with apparently 15 months left to go before it’s ready to shred the slopes. In the mean time, we’ll keep you posted as more information arrives.

[Via EveryEye]

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