Eyepet Move Bundle in Short Supply; Selling Out at Retail

We recently reported that Sony’s new motion controller,PlayStation Move, has been selling quite well throughout its first few weeks on the market. Well, if you plan on picking up the recently released PlayStation Move Eyepet bundle, you may want to be sure that your local retailer has some available, as it’s becoming increasingly difficult to get your hands on the combo.

Initially announced as a Toys R Us exclusive, the Eyepet Move bundle has been doing moderately well, with overall unimpressive sales number, nothing phenomenal however, that trend appears to be changing. If you plan to get your hands on the coveted pack, it would be wise to know just when the shipment is set to come in, as many stores are apparently selling out and reporting limited to no availability. We checked every Toys R Us in our general area, four to be exact, and every single store reported the bundle as being sold out. We managed to catch a customer purchasing the last bundle at one location, stating that it was the only way he might be able to get his 5 year-old daughter to stop playing Red Dead Redemption (go figure!).

Questionable parenting aside, it looks as though the furry little fellow is starting to pick up the pace in the sales department. With younger children and families being Microsoft’s main target with their upcoming peripheral, Kinect, Eyepet will play a fundamental role in helping to draw younger audiences to the PS3 and cement Sony’s hold on the new motion controller arms race. So, what about you guys? Are you having a tough time coming across this bundle as well? Let us know in the comments below!

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