Talk regarding a possible Heavenly Sword sequel has been ongoing for a quite a while. Ninja Theory boss Tameem Antoniades has said that the game’s sequel could have been set in Hell with Nariko returning.
Whilst answering readers’ question, Antoniades spilled an idea for a sequel to VG247, which could have seen Heavenly Sword’s protagonist Nariko playable in Hell and fellow character, Kai, would be on earth.
“I had this idea that you would play Nariko who finds herself trapped in Hell by the spirit of the sword. Kai would be playable in the real world and would communicate with Nariko and try and help rescue her soul.”
Tameem also said how one day in Hell for Nariko would be an entire year for Kai on Earth, with Kai being transformed from a teenage girl to an old woman. Ninja Theory are currently busy with their Devil May Cry reboot with Capcom, however, Tameem has said that he would “never say never” to Heavenly Sword 2. Would you like to see an eventual release of HS2? Let us know via the comment section below.