Naughty Dog Took “Several Weeks” To Develop Uncharted 2 Dynamic Theme

Naughty Dog, perhaps the hardest working, most ambitious game development team of our time, are well known for pointing out just how much time and effort they put into creating the AAA-titles we’ve come to know and love on the PlayStation 3, but just because they’re developing a theme this time doesn’t mean they put in any less work.

Responding to various user’s comments on the Official US PlayStation Blog, Arne Meyer, Community Strategist for Naughty Dog, took the liberty of explaining just how much much is actually going on in the new Uncharted 2 dynamic theme processing-wise, and how long it actually took the development team to finish what is looking to be the most impressive dynamic theme to date.

Arne went on to state the following:

“We’re actually not limited to filesize but rather the amount of memory/processing we can use to run all the various effects — fog, scrolling, 3D, animation, snow, etc. It’s just a matter of learning how to squeeze more and more out of those limited resources. But for how “simple” our theme looks, it’s still relatively technically involved — our snow and fog are actually full particle effects.”

“This actually took us several weeks of work to get something that looks great quality wise and has all that we’re trying to do with it — scrolling, the Drake model and great animation, the particle effects of the fog and snow. Definitely wasn’t easy by any means.”

If there’s one company we can attribute to helping us get our money’s-worth out of the PS3’s cell processor, it’s Naughty Dog, as they really do seem to make each and every project they work on, big or small, a total masterpiece. The Uncharted 2 dynamic theme is set to go live on August 17th for $2.99. For more info, be sure to check out PlayStation LifeStyle’s full report on all the Uncharted 2 DLC goodness set to hit PS3’s far-and-wide next week.

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