Red Dead Redemption – Trophy Guide

High Roller (Bronze)

Win over 2,000 chips in a hand of Poker or Blackjack

-The easiest way to claim this trophy is during the “Lucky in Love” mission which you find in Mexico. Go ‘all-in’ in both bets and let some one call your bet and you should win. In case you don’t save before it and repeat.

No Dice (Bronze)

Complete a game of Liar’s Dice without losing a single die

-This is a tough one as it requires patients a bit of luck and honesty. You will have to complete a game of liar’s dice without losing any of your 5 dice. Be honest when you bet and if the AI bets a unreasonable amount, for example four threes and they have only two dice in their cup, then call the bluff. Make sure to try and let the AI bluff each other out and always start with the lowest amount of dice you have. For example if you have three fives, then bet that you have one. Once they lose two dice it becomes easier to take them out.

What About Hand Grenades (Bronze)

Get a ringer in a game of Horeshoes in any game mode

-You get to play this mini-game after the mission “Women and Cattle”. First off familiarize yourself with the rules and controls. Place a bet of $1 dollar as it reduces cost and difficulty. Aim the horseshoe with the L2 button, and center it so that the metal stake is in the middle. Then use the right stick (R3) to swing the horseshoe, try to release the horseshoe when it is in the middle of the two white powerbars and near the green bar. Here’s a video reference.[youtube][/youtube]

Austin Overpowered (Silver)

Complete Twin Rocks, Pike’s Basin and Gaptooth Breach Hideouts in Single Player

-Gang hideouts are small areas such as towns or forts or even just camp sites which are run by outlaw gangs. You need to overtake these places and sometimes complete an extra mission. For this trophy I have listed the hideouts location and mission requirements.

  • Twin Rocks/”New Friends, Old Problems”
  • Pike’s Basin/”Justice in Pike’s Basin”
  • Gaptooth Breach/”Man is Born Unto Trouble”

Evil Spirits (Silver)

Complete Tumbleweed and Tesoro Azul Hideouts in Single Player

-Gang hideouts are small areas such as towns or forts or even just camp sites which are run by outlaw gangs. You need to overtake these places and sometimes complete an extra mission. For this trophy I have listed the hideouts location and mission requirements.

  • Tumbleweed/”New Friends, Old Problems”
  • Tersoro Azul/”The Demon Drink”

Instinto Asesino (Silver)

Complete Fort Mercer and Nosalida Hideouts in Single Player

-Gang hideouts are small areas such as towns or forts or even just camp sites which are run by outlaw gangs. You need to overtake these places and sometimes complete an extra mission. For this trophy I have listed the hideouts location and mission requirements.

  • Fort Mercer/”We Shall be Together in Paradise”
  • Nosalida/”We Shall be Together in Paradise”

Fightin’ Around the World (Bronze)

Knock someone out in mele in every saloon in the game in Single Player

-You need to knock down at least one person in each of the seven saloons. You only have to knock them down once, since they get up. Remember to equip fists before entering a saloon. Heres a list of the saloons.

  • Armadillo Saloon (New Austin)
  • Thieve’s Landing Saloon (New Austin)
  • Rathskellers Fork Saloon (New Austin)
  • Escalera Saloon (Nuevo Paraiso)
  • Chuparosa Saloon (Nuevo Paraiso)
  • Chasa Madrugada (Nueveo Paraiso)
  • Blackwater Saloon (West Elizabeth)

Strange Things Are Afoot (Bronze)

Complete a task for a Stranger

– You will be able to complete tasks for strangers after the mission “New Friends, Old Problems”. Stranger missions are marked with a a question mark, sometimes white and sometimes purple. They can be accessed at any time. Complete one and it’s in the bag.

People Are Still Strange (Silver)

Complete 15 tasks for Strangers

–  There is a total of 19 Stranger missions, complete 15 and this one is complete. I suggest you finish the story missions before trying to finish all of these stranger missions as some of them require story missions to be completed first. Here is a list of all the Stranger missions. Note: Some of the stranger missions have two or three parts to be completed, parts of these missions are found in different locations.

  • American Appetites
  • Funny Man
  • California
  • Let No Man Put Asunder
  • Flowers for a Lady
  • Jenny’s Faith
  • Water and Honesty
  • Who are you to Judge
  • Lights Camera Action
  • I Know You
  • Daedalus and Son
  • Eva in Peril
  • Love is the Opiate
  • Poopycock
  • Aztec Gold
  • The Prohibitionist
  • The Wronged Woman
  • American Lobbyist
  • Remember My Family

Buckin’ Awesome (Silver)

Break the Kentucky Saddler, the American Standardbred, and the Hungarian Half-bred.

– These are the three best horses within the game. You can ‘break’ a horse once you acquire the lasso. You can check which of the horses you have broken in a general store. Check by seeing if you can buy the deed to these horses, if you can that means you have broken them, if you can’t that means you haven’t yet broken them. Make sure to hitch your horse to save it. Heres what each horse looks like as well as where you can find each of the horses.

  • Kentucky Saddler: Golden or white and sometimes grey. Can be found Northwest of Armadillo and in McFarlane’s Ranch.
  • American Standerdbred: All black. Can be found in Beecher’s Hope.
  • Hungarian Half-Bred:  White with a dark face. Can be found throughout Mexico such as Escalera.

Clemency Pays (Bronze)

Capture a bounty alive

– You will need the lasso before you can attempt this trophy. Once acquired accept any bounty and travel to its location. Kill every except the bounty and lasso the bounty, mount him on your horse and head to the deputies. Once you offload him to the deputies this trophy will pop up.

Dastardly (Bronze)

Place a hogtied woman on the train tracks, and witness her death by train

– The lasso is required for this one. Hogtie any lass you wish and take her to the nearest train track. Put her on the tracks and wait for the train.

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