MAG – Trophy Guide

Headhunter (Silver)Earn 5 Silver Bullet Ribbons, the Longshot Ribbon and the Sniper Master Specialist Medal.

  • Silver Bullet Ribbon– To earn this ribbon you will need to kill 10 enemies with headshots in a single match. Try and aim for the head when shooting an enemy. This can be made a little easier if you are decent with a Sniper Rifle.
  • Longshot Ribbon – To earn this ribbon you will need to kill 3 enemies from at least 120 meters away. Just try to kill enemies that are as far away as possible. This is much easier with a Sniper Rifle.
  • Sniper Master Specialist Medal – To get this medal you will need to kill 1,000 enemies with a Sniper Rifle over your career.

Earn 5 Silver Bullet ribbons, 1 Longshot ribbon and the Sniper Master Specialist medal to get the trophy.

Hammer of the Gods (Silver) Called in 50 cluster bombs or mortar barrages.

In order to call in airstrikes you will need to play as a Squad Leader. You will unlock the ability to be Squad Leader at level 15. Once you are playing as a Squad Leader just call in airstrikes. Make sure if you are attacking that the AAA Battery in your area is down. Rinse and repeat until you unlock the trophy.

Triple Threat (Silver)Earn 5 Silver Cross Ribbons, 5 Master Engineer Ribbons and the Grim Reaper Medal.

  • Silver Cross Ribbon – To earn this ribbon you will need to heal 250 units of health. This means that you will have to use your Medkit to wither heal yourself or your teammates. You will not get any points towards this ribbon for reviving. Make sure you are shooting out the blue mist to ensure you are getting credit. Every “unit” is equal to 1HP so you will have to heal 250 total HP.
  • Master Engineer Ribbon – To earn this ribbon you will need to repair 250 units of damage in a single match. This can be done while defending in an Acquisition or Domination match. Every “unit” is equal to 1HP of the thing you are repairing. You can repair anything that gets damaged to earn credit for this trophy.
  • Grim Reaper Medal – To earn this medal you will need to kill 2,000 enemies over your career.

Earn 5 Silver Cross Ribbons, 5 Master Engineer Ribbons and the Grim Reaper Medal to earn the trophy.

Eager beaver (Gold) Awarded when a player has earned at least 58 medals.

There are a total of 65 medals in the game (58 main game + 4 Interdiction DLC + 3 Escalation DLC). You only need to earn 58 of them to get the trophy. This means that you can skip some of the harder ones in favor of some of the easier DLC medals if you want.

Here is a great guide to earning the Medals and Ribbons.

Prima Noyan (Gold)Awarded when a player reaches level 60 with a S.V.E.R. character.

See Sergeant Major.

Commandant in Chief (Gold) Awarded when a player reaches level 60 with a Raven character.

See Sergeant Major.

Sergeant Major (Gold) Awarded when a player reaches level 60 with a Valor character.

You will need to get to level 60 three times (once with each faction) if you are planning on going for the platinum. This will take around 40-50 hours for each faction if you play it smart and have some skills. Otherwise this will take a lot longer. Playing as a Medic will speed things along quite nicely. I suggest playing objective based matches and focusing on FRAGOS as they give you XP bonuses for completing and killing enemies in these areas also gives you a bonus. Double XP weekends are also a good time to go for these trophies. Since the last few patches you now get double XP for the first hour you play each day.  There is also normally an XP bonus for one fo the individual modes now.  This cuts down on the time it takes to level up by quite a bit.

Once you hit level 60 with one of the factions you can enter “Veteran” mode which is similar to “Prestige” mode in Call of Duty. This will allow you to change factions without resetting your character stats. You will start over at level one again but this time around you will get a permanent 10% XP bonus to all matches you play and you will have a special insignia by your name. This bonus is on top of the other bonuses I have already talked about.

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