The announcement of SOCOM 4 utilizing the PlayStation Move was surprising, yet a little worrying at the same time. Would SOCOM 4 use this control scheme exclusively? Are a hardcore gamer’s nightmare about having motion controls forced upon their favorite franchises, really coming true? Thankfully, you can calm your woes, as PlayStation Move is not the only controller being used for the latest SOCOM title.
Talking with gaming website Joystiq, Zipper Interactive’s Travis Steiner revealed that SOCOM 4 has been in the works for over three years, and has always had the DualShock controller in mind first.
“First and foremost, SOCOM 4 was designed with the DualShock in mind. When we started this game over three years ago, Move didn’t even exist yet. I cannot emphasize this point enough: the game supports both controllers. And again, we designed SOCOM 4 with the DualShock in mind. What ended up happening is that when we found out about the Move, we decided to try it out and see if it fits with the SOCOM experience very well. And so far, the reaction of the people that have tried it is that it’s actually integrated quite well. The key there is that it’s an optional control mechanic, and in no way is any other part of the SOCOM game being hindered or negatively affected by Move’s integration.
It’s hard to know how well it works in SOCOM until you actually try it. I think people have some preconceived notions about how effective motion controls are in a shooter game, because up until now, the response time just hasn’t been there, the accuracy, as well as the graphics. The PS3 can deliver the kind of realistic HD gaming that I think serious shooter players would want. And I think when you try the Move in SOCOM 4, a lot of people become pleasantly surprised by how effective and accurate it can be.”
SOCOM 4 hits this fall, exclusively on PS3.