E3 Likely Missing Major Square Enix Title

Square-Enix has a lot on its plate right now–continuing development on FFXIV, the introduction of the Fabula Nova Crystallis trilogy to the western-world with the tauntingly near FFXIII, and possible development of a handheld version of aforementioned title. But now sources say one of these major titles will be absent during this year’s E3…

Final Fantasy Versus 13, at this point, is not going to receive the red carpet treatment during the US’s biggest entertainment gathering. In the latest issue of Famitsu, an interview with Tetsuya Nomura, the game’s director, stated the big possibility that the game will need more time developing before being showcased. Specifically, he mentioned an overhaul of the world map as the main contributing factor, but no other reasons were given.

E3 is still plenty far off, so there may be a chance this will change. Considering the crowds and press present at the convention with Squeenix’s most recent FF installment still fresh in their minds, it’s safe to bet Versus won’t go completely unmentioned, and that SE will try to reinvigorate some excitement using this moment for what they still have in store.

It’s been quite a while since we’ve heard any real new details about Versus–What do you think? Still interested, or can your eyes see only ‘Lightning’?


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