PS3 Wins Holiday Season With Unbelievable Bundles


Every year the day after Thanksgiving offers countless one day sales. Some are great, others not so much. Well for us PlayStation fans there are countless options this year, especially for those looking to possibly add another console to their collection. There are a total of 5 great deals at various stores on this Black Friday. Full details follow.

Below is the stores listed and what they are offering bundled together with the PS3 Slim.

Amazon: PS3 Slim (120GB), inFamous, Killzone 2. Price: $299


Best Buy: PS3 Slim (120GB), Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time, LittleBigPlanet: Game of the Year Edition. Price: $299


Gamestop: PS3 Slim (120GB),  LittleBigPlanet: Game of the Year Edition, God of War Collection. Price: $299


SonyStyle: PS3 Slim (120GB), inFamous, Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune. Price: $299


Wal-Mart: PS3 Slim (120GB), inFamous, Batman Arkham Asylum, The Dark Knight (Blu-ray). Price: $299


These are all phenomenal deals for anyone looking to get a PlayStation 3. How many of you will be venturing out to grab one of these?


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