Cover Yourself Up: PSP Gets Girly


While the DS, Nintendo’s ultra popular handheld, may have wooed the entire casual and female market into buying their touch sensitive machine, Sony hasn’t shared the same success with it’s PlayStation Portable, with the sleek device mainly being played by core gamers. However, this hasn’t stopped Sony trying to court casuals with family friendly games and Hanna Montana bundles as they understandably hunger for a piece of the new gaming market’s very juicy pie. One developer which has managed to exploit the market very profitably is Ubisoft, who’s Petz franchise is a multi million sellers on the DS, now they have turned their attention to the PSP.

Out from today on the EU PlayStation Store is Ubisoft’s PSP game Cover Girl, an interactive mini-game, magazine style title. The game is detailed by a rather confused Mike Kebby of the PlayStation Store Team, who explained:

‘I had no idea what Cover Girl was either – I’m taking the description directly from the database here:

“Specially designed for active young women, Cover Girl is a digital friend that adds a touch of glamour to your busy day-to-day. Elaborated in collaboration with professional female writers, Cover Girl provides qualitative and interesting content which you customise. You decide the content of your magazine in accordance with your desires and interests :

Get your daily dose of fresh air with funny facts on love & men, life tips, mini-games, horoscopes and tarot reading, fashion trends…

Play addictive & fun mini-games to have fun any time of the day

Discover unique & fun tools like the Sex-o-Meter, Manlation (a fun translator for explaining male behavior), a size converter for shoes and clothes… “’

Through games like Cover Girl Sony’s handheld is made more accessible to broader audiences, but due to the title’s very inaccessible price point of £23.99/€29.99, the success of such a game is very questionable.

A full trailer can be viewed below, courtesy of German website PlayStation Portable:

[youtube width=”485″ height=”324″][/youtube]


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