Final Fantasy XIV Site Gets Transformation


Final Fantasy XIV was announced at E3 2009 as an upcoming “sequel” to the hit MMORPG title Final Fantasy XI. The game is set to feature many familiar elements such as playable races and gameplay elements to those who played Final Fantasy XI. However, the game has a plethora of new content to offer, and many MMORPG fans are waiting anxiously for its release. Information for the title has been scarce, but thankfully Square Enix decided to release new information for the game earlier today.

The official site for Final Fantasy XIV has been updated with tons of new information for the game. According to Square Enix, the new site features the latest details on classes, monsters, crafting and more. On top of that, the new Tokyo Game Show trailer is also available for viewing in the media section. This new information and batch of images and artwork really show that this is a true Final Fantasy title, and Square Enix plans to compete with the best in the online MMORPG industry.

Final Fantasy XIV is slated to release in late 2010 for the PlayStation 3 and PC. Check out the new site at

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