Prison Break, the drama packed television series that revolves around two prison bound brothers, has been known to have an upcoming game for quite a while. However, recent economic turbulence caused the original developer, Brash Entertainment, to shut down. Fortunately the game found a new home with publisher Kosh Media who will now bring out the game.
The protagonist of “Prison Break: The Conspiracy” is Company Agent Tom Paxton. He is sent to the Fox River State Penitentiary to investigate why Michael Scofield (the hero of the TV series), a man without a previous criminal record or sufficient motive, became a bank robber. The storyline runs parallel to the first season of “Prison Break”: Paxton encounters several characters from the series and experiences key events from his own viewpoint.
Koch Media has announced that Prison Break: The Conspiracy will be released for PS3, PC and Xbox 360 on March 26th 2010 in Europe, with no date currently given for the US.