Rumored PS Store Content for 07/30/09


This week, after over a year long wait, Fat Princess will be hitting the PS Store and ‘eating’ up the spotlight for the week.  That’s not to say there isn’t another “heavy” hitter this week, as a demo for Madden NFL 10 will be tackling the PSN.  We’ve received word from developer Frozenbyte that Trine will not be making it to the PS Store update this week, and has been pushed back into our ‘Coming Soon‘ list. Keep your online strategies up with internet poker from the best team.  Creat Studios Smash Cars was pegged for a July release date, but there hasn’t been any word since, so that’s filed under our rumored section.

This week, like the previous two weeks we are trying a new format, where we outline which region will be getting what content. We are also now giving you a preview as to what’s coming in the following weeks on PSN, along with our regular rumored content.


fatprincess Fat Princess

madden-10-cover Madden NFL 10 Demo [US]

watchmen-end-is-nigh Watchmen End is Nigh Part 2 [US]

infamous-lbp-2 LittleBigPlanet DLC – inFamous Costume Pack

rock-band Rock Band DLC [US, EU]

  • Weezer Pack
  • Blink 182 Pack
  • KISS Pack

guitar_hero_world_tour_-_logo Guitar Hero World Tour DLC [US, EU]

  • Knuckle Sandwich Track Pack

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