Top 5 Best PS4 Boss Battles

Possibly one of the biggest highlights of any game, boss fights can sometimes make or break a game even if the actual gameplay isn’t that special. In single-player games, gamers slog through endless waves of mindless enemies just to square off against a big boss that usually, when killed, gives a rare item, an upgrade to a skill, or offer story exposition.

In this week’s top five video, the PlayStation LifeStyle staff picks the best boss fights we’ve witnessed so far this generation. Admittedly, it’s hard to narrow the list down to just five. And in case anyone’s wondering why epic boss fights such as God of War III’s Cronos battle isn’t included, we’ve decided to only include games from the PS4, so that means no remasters of any kind. And before anyone hates me or Mack for the picks, the top five have been voted on by the entire staff.

So without further ado, go hit play and check out our picks for the top PS4 bosses!

Do you agree with our picks? Without going into spoilers, what are your top five PS4 bosses? Share ’em in the comments below.

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